Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Well that explains it...

Last night I got home from work and checked the mail. Most of my mail is catalogs, junk, or credit card statements on accounts that I've already paid online, so it's never an exciting task. But wait, something was different. There, standing out from the worthless trash, was a white beacon of hope, a familiar symbol on the corner of the large envelope, the Lifetime Network logo. Could it be? A lone answer to one of the many packets I sent out for a chance to get Tina and Paul the wedding of their dreams? A tear came to my eye.

I grasped the envelope to my chest, embracing the moment, because what was inside could actually change things, finally an answer to our prayers. As I ran my finger along the seam, I recall having the same anxious feeling when opening college acceptance letters, thinking to myself, "please, please, please!"

My excitement soon turned to dismay when I began reading the first few lines:

"Thank you for sending your proposed program idea. While we genuinely appreciate your interest and desire to share your project with us, as is customary throughout the entertainment industry, it is the policy of Lifetime not to accept or review any unsolicited material received from individuals who are not represented by agents or attorneys known to Lifetime or from production companies Lifetime is not familiar with."

My heart sank. It continued on for two more paragraphs letting me know that they could not help. I am, however, very thankful for their response as I had no idea why over 20 companies had not even acknowledged the receipt of my packet. Well, that explains it.

The few companies' sites where I did proceed down the right path of filling out online applications had very strict character limitations. It's hard to get Tina's full story in only a paragraph or two. I couldn't include pictures of her, her beautiful daughter and loving boyfriend Paul. I couldn't show them the picture of the "chemohawk" that truly illustrates just what a strong and amazing woman she is. I'm lost on how to progress in my mission to make this happen for her. Where do I go from here? Suggestions, along with your prayers, are welcomed.


  1. Unfortunately that is how the record, tv and movie industry works. They get so many proposals and also could run into various legal issues so they only accept well represented clients. It's the industry standard. Your best best is to enter her story in shows looking for everyday people. Extreme Home Makeover, shows like that. Hope this helps!!!

  2. So where do they get these "everyday" people for the wedding shows on Lifetime, TNT, Style Network, etc? I don't think Extreme Home Makeover can work on townhouses. They also want a home video and that's not something I can do from Texas. Ugh, I just feel defeated.

  3. I feel for you in your quest to help in Tina's situation. Maybe you will hear from someone that can help in accomplishing what you are trying to do. Love you.

  4. Jennifer, Please Keep Your Head Up! You are doing everything you can and eventually it will happen. I know waiting for eventually in this situation is aggravating, but when you least expect it someone will come through!!

  5. These shows should have an "Apply" link. Example:


    Some shows might be legit and use real people and real cases while others could totally be staged. Best of luck!

  6. I am not sure that you have tried this website, so here you go!
    Enter the mywedding.com "Wedding Wishes Come True" Contest!
