Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Austin, MD Anderson and Fundraising

Written 4/22/10
It's been a busy week for Tina. She flew from NJ to Houston on Thursday and got to see our cousin's T-ball game with the family. I was very happy that she traveled to Austin to see me again. We watched movies, ate pizza and ice cream sundaes then went to a happy hour with my mom's friends. A couple of Tina's friends from school were there too. Even with the rain on the patio, it was a great time.

Unfortunately, the weekend flew by and she had to go back to Houston for her Monday appointment at MD Anderson. She had scans done to check if there was any progression of the cancer. There are no new tumors in her bones or brain, although it has developed a little more in her liver and lungs. We are hoping with this new chemo she is on that it will soon shrink the new growth. The struggle is finding a chemo that works equally well on both. She has found that the different chemotherapies seem to work better on one part than another. Unfortunately scans can't be done every week so it's a waiting game to see if the new therapy is actually working.

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